Best 5 Skills You Need to Succeed as a Freelance Programmer
Struggling to find Work as a Freelance Programmer is a common experience for all freelance programmers irrespective of the years of experience gotten. Until your message gets to potential clients at the right time, they won’t know how talented you are.
The truth is not everyone can Work as a Freelance Programmer, I have seen a whole lot of persons who wanna become programmers themselves giving up even before they got started. I so much appreciate it when I see young persons who Work as Freelance Programmers and cope with other personal challenges. I took my time to make a small research on some guide steps for freelancers
Guidelines to help you find Work as a Freelance Programmer
Bid at project sites
A site like Fiverr, Upwork, Oziconnect is a freelance site that connects freelancers with clients in need of services. Project listing is by categories such as Graphic and Design. To become a successful freelancer in the system, you need to sign up, and then complete your profile by adding Title and Category, Profile Overview, Skill, Service Rate, Educational Background, Employment History and Language. Once you add all of these, your profile will be available to the public where potential employers can view your profile and discuss project with you.
Agencies in your Niche
Explore Google and local directories and list out relevant agencies in your market. From time to time these agencies get demand for programming work from clients. Compose professional email or phone call campaign to agencies, direct all contacts to your website or online portfolio. Let them know you have an interest in any present work and upcoming project opportunities.
Professional Network
A strong professional network is the backbone of freelancing; the benefit cannot be over-emphasized. It enables freelancers to present their brand before clients. LinkedIn is such a platform for programmers to network with people in relevant roles. Build a robust portfolio page, request satisfied clients to recommend your services, and join group discussions. Agencies and company technical leaders source LinkedIn for employees and freelancers. Twitter and Facebook are unique when it comes to professional branding. Short bio details and a link to your website is all you need to reach the potential client.
Freelance programmers need to have a professional blog to win more audience, it is an avenue to discuss topics of interest with people in targeted market. Is a good source for sharing information about your skill and how it benefits prospects. A blog also enhances your site for search to generate more traffic. Inspire visitors to subscribe to your newsletter and to follow you on social media channels.
5 Soft Skills You Need to Succeed as a Freelance Developer
To be a good developer you must be good technically, this is true because technical skills are required for this profession. On the other hand in the freelance game, developers also need a number of soft skills that make them more valuable to customers (clients). Skills that you must have to succeed as a freelance developer.
As a freelance developer, it is important to always satisfy your client if you want to make money in this business. Understanding client needs and the desire to provide solution is key. A freelance programmer should be able to have an idea of what the client feels and this will enable him to do his best to satisfy his client. A problem you approach with understanding and concern is easily solved no matter the complication at the beginning.
Clear and smooth communication among collaborators and the employer, with other support experts, must be a priority. Every communication system needed to accomplish a successful project completion must not be handled with levity.
Freelance developers must be able to shift from one coding language to another in accordance with the project at hand to finish successfully. Clients want to hire freelancers that are capable of meeting their needs without delay. Learning new skill is the only way to achieve this. Rigidity is not expected from a freelance developer as this can cause poor relationship which may not give room for continuity and referral.
Development work is a monotonous kind of job, writing endless code and bringing imaginations to reality in an anticipated way. It takes self-control to overcome the weakness that may generate from a tedious work. Mapping out time for yourself, maybe break time, and knowing what to do at a particular time of the day or night, has no limit to successful freelancing
In development, problem surfaces in every project handled. Learning from past mistakes is a vital way to solve new problem that may arise. This is where accountable is needed as one of the soft skills to succeed as a freelance developer.
The list above is some of the ways you can Work as a Freelance Programmer and developer can easily find more work along with habits they can portray to keep them well connected with their clients both old and new. Taking advantage of every available means of networking will get your brand to the right contact at the right time.